Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Origin of Gods - Part IV - Sambhu & False Ego

The world of false ego has been born from Sambhu. This is his function in relation to the living entities.The unmanifest aggregate material energy originates from Krsna’s spiritual potency, and it transforms into three types of false ego, which were infused/instilled with the potency for activity at the time of creation. The mind, the senses and the airs of life are born from these three modifications of false ego, namely false ego in goodness, false ego in passion and false ego in the mode of ignorance. hence Sambhu is also called Anantadeva. He is the cause of matter, the senses and the mind as explained above. Sambhu is the material cause by virtue of supplying the raw material substances for creation. When each universe is manifest from the gradual evolution of this state of existence, the rudra or destructive principle emerges from the existence of Sambhu. Although born from between the eyebrows of the purusa-avatära Mahä-Visnu, Sambhu remains as the epitome of false ego in all conditions.

An unlimited number of atomic conscious particles emerge from the spiritual rays of Paramätmä as the aggregate of the living entities. When the living entities identify themselves as the servants of Krsna, they are of Vaikuntha, and have no relationship with the world of mäyä. When the living entity forgets this pure identity, he desires to become the enjoyer of mäyä, and the false ego principle of Sambhu then enters his existence and produces within him the self-conception of being a separate enjoyer. Therefore, Sambhu alone is the principle underlying the world of false ego and the identification of the living entities with their material bodies.

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