Monday, July 27, 2009

Gayatri & Brahma's Prayer to Krsna

After learning the 18-syllable mantra from sarasvati, Brahma engaged in severe austerities. Then Gäyatri, emanated as the sound of Krsna’s flute, entered the eight earholes of Brahmä. Thus Brahmä achieved realization of the Gäyatri mantra that lead to his reformation, having heard gayatri directly from his spiritual master.

As Gäyatri entered the ears of Brahmä, he became qualified as a Brähmana and began to sing hymns in praise of the original purusa. Thus by chanting Gayatri, which is the essence of all the Vedas, Brahmä became fully enlightened with the ocean of truths that he realized, and with that essence of Vedic knowledge he offered the following prayer to Krsna.

"The transcendental realm is eternally adorned by millions of wish-fulfilling trees, by pavilions made of desire-fulfilling jewels and by innumerable wish-fulfilling cows. There, thousands upon thousands of Gopis are rendering services to the Supreme Personality with great affection. I worship that original Supreme Personality, Govinda"

Govindam ädi-purusam tam aham bhajämi

"I worship the primeval personality, Govinda, who is absorbed in playing upon His flute, whose long eyes expand and bloom like lotus flowers, whose headdress is adorned with peacock feathers, and whose unique bodily complexion, which resembles the luster of a dark blue raincloud, bewilders the minds of millions of Kandarpas (Cupids)"

Govindam ädi-purusam tam aham bhajämi

"I worship the original personality, Govinda, around whose neck a garland of forest flowers and peacock feathers swings gently, whose lotus hands hold a captivating flute, whose arms are decorated with jeweled ornaments, who is always madly absorbed in intimate loving pastimes, and whose eternal naturalaspect is His graceful, threefold-bending (tri-bhanga-lalitam) Syämasundara form"

Govindam ädi-purusam tam aham bhajämi
"I worship that original personality, Govinda. His divine form is composed of eternity, cognizance and bliss, and is therefore exceptionally effulgent. Each and every limb or sense of His transcendental body is inherently endowed with all the functions of all the other senses. He eternally sees, maintains and regulates an infinite number of universes, both spiritual and mundane"

Govindam ädi-purusam tam aham bhajämi

"Although He is non-dual, infallible, beginningless, possessed of unlimited forms and the oldest of all, nevertheless He is a beautiful person with everlasting, fresh youthfulness. Although He is incomprehensible through study of the Vedas, He is easily attained by spontaneous devotion of the soul. I worship that original personality, Govinda"

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